
个人学习 4 0

汉堡店广告标语英文 第1篇

(1): Are we doing the right chicken?

(2): We do chicken punctuality ye ~ ~

(3): We are doing chicken.

We have the right to make chicken.

(5): We only do the right half of the chicken

We can do chicken, right! .

(7): We exercised the right of the chickens

(8): We only do the right chicken ... ... (we let the chicken to the right line)

Translation (9): We only do the right (genuine) chicken!

Translation: (10): only right is a good chicken, right!

We have chickens right

We did the right chicken

(13): We only do genuine chicken.

(14): Only we can make chicken!

(15): We just make chicken!

(16): Our material is authentic chicken!

(17):We are _doing_ is a good chicken ... ...

(18):The right chicken is the best

(19): to the right, a chicken

(20): We only do the right thing

(21):We must beat the chicken right. . .

(22): Actually said: _McDonald's is doing pirated chicken._

(23): We do the _right_ chicken (McDonald 's does _left_ chicken!

(24): What we do is half-cooked chicken!

(25): We only do right-handed chicken (chicken to eat left-handed go McDonald's)

汉堡店广告标语英文 第2篇



3、I’M LOVIN’IT (我就喜欢)




麦当劳餐厅(McDonalds Corporation),是1940年由麦当劳兄弟和Ray Kroc在美国创立的大型连锁快餐集团。麦当劳总部设在美国伊利诺伊州欧克布鲁克,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,总投资达5亿美元,主要售卖汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、沙拉等。麦当劳餐厅遍布在全世界六大洲百余个国家,在很多国家麦当劳代表着一种美国式的生活方式。麦当劳在中国大陆地区的早期的译名是“麦克唐纳快餐”。1990年10月8日,中国内地第一家麦当劳餐厅在深圳开业。4月,为了降低成本,麦当劳承认在麦乐鸡和鸡肉汉堡中使用了以转基因饲料喂养的肉鸡,引发 “唯利是图”的批评。7月,麦当劳宣布将其自创汉堡业务概念店引入上海、广州,并于落户北京。209月25日,微信支付与麦当劳中国达成合作。年12月3日,欧盟反垄断监管机构表示已对麦当劳在卢森堡的税务问题展开全面调查。201月,麦当劳发布财报,第四季度净盈利亿美元。年7月,麦当劳发布的第二财季业绩报告显示,净利润亿美元,合每股收益美元,较市场预期高出13美分。麦当劳全季营收亿美元,同比下降,符合市场预期。

1902 年10月5日,麦当劳创办人雷.克罗克在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥诞生。


1940年,理查德.麦当劳与莫里斯.麦当劳兄弟在美国加利福尼亚州的圣贝纳迪诺创建了 “Dick and Mac McDonald” 餐厅, 是现在麦当劳餐厅的原型。



1960年,雷.克洛克正式将“Dick and Mac McDonald”餐厅更名为“McDonald's” 。







1977年,麦当劳正式在全国餐厅中增加多款套餐 1980 麦当劳成立25周年,麦当劳在香港开设第1000家国际餐厅,国际营业额首次突破10亿美元。













2015年7月,已进入中国25年的麦当劳宣布将其自创汉堡业务(“我创我味来”,Create Your Taste)概念店引入上海、广州,并于2016年落户北京,以满足中国消费者个性化需求,并力求通过新业务的展开更快推动业绩上升。麦当劳中国自创汉堡项目是让消费者根据个人喜好,从24种食材中选择原料,创作个性化汉堡。

汉堡店广告标语英文 第3篇

Waiter: Good morning, Mr x x Mrs.

Mr xx: Good morning!

Waiter: Are you happy at Chateau Le Foot?

Mr. x x: very happy!

Waiter: I think you will like our breakfast.

Mr xx: Breakfast?

Waiter: Yes! Toast plus eggs, the top also sprinkled salmon, as long as 17 yuan 49 points, affordable.

Mrs. x x: Oh, no, we're going to McDonald's.

Waiter: McDonald's?

Mr. xx: they launched the morning special meals as long as 99 cents.

Waiter: 99 cents.

Mrs. x x: two scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, plus a crispy french fries.

Sound: footsteps far away

Waiter: Oh, the original so, I wish you a happy.

(Wait, another gentleman appears)

Hi, Mr x x!

X X: early!

Waiter: Do you want to eat our delicious special breakfast?

X X: A special breakfast?

Waiter: a good big eggs and salmon fried together with fragrant, accompanied by long thick toast, only 12 yuan 49 points.

X X: No!

Waiter: 4 dollars ...

No, I'm going to McDonald 's for scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, and crispy fries.

Waiter: Oh, great! (Whisper) What a great thing.

Mrs. x x: Good morning!

Waiter: Ah! Mrs. x x, do you have breakfast with us?

Mrs. x x: No, I ... but I ...

Waiter: I locked the door, you can not go to McDonald 's.

Mrs. x x: Help!

Sound: noisy, shouting, more than commotion

Announcer: surprise price of 99 cents, a special breakfast in McDonald's.

汉堡店广告标语英文 第4篇

1 with KFC, good taste of life.

2 Practice has proved that we do chicken is right!

3 KFC - Flock of Fighters!

4 because you, life is so beautiful - Kentucky Fried Chicken, from the exotic charm

5 Kentucky Fried Chicken - _chew_ out of the delicious atmosphere!

6 KFC promises, every mouth is at ease

7 Finger-lickin 'good

8 Sedap sehingga menjilat jari!

9 Life Tastes Better with KFC

Love me, love KFC!


kfc makes your life colorful.


Practice has proved that we Cooking chicken is! (实践证明,我们做鸡是对的!)

汉堡店广告标语英文 第5篇

1 Why we have I am lovin it here but not I love it? What is the difference between them?

2 I'm loving it

3 You should take a rest day.

4 try to laugh often McDonald's


McDonald 's (McDonald' s) is the world 's largest multinational restaurant chain, founded in 1940 in the United States, in the world with about 30,000 outlets. Mainly selling hamburgers, and fries, fried chicken, soft drinks, ice products, salads, fruits and other fast food.

汉堡店广告标语英文 第6篇

1. ”Try to laugh often McDonald's“.

2. Super cow energy, super cow performance!

3. I 'M LOVIN'IT (I like it)

4. Super special tender tender juicy plate burning, spicy chicken, refreshing lettuce, secret sauce, sesame bread soft, long-type special plate chicken chicken Fort

McDonald's: ”You should take a day off._

汉堡店广告标语英文 第7篇

●I'm lovin' it.

● We Do Chick Right.

● Finger-lickin' good.

● It's finger licking good!

● if everyone has kfc, we will have a better life.

● So Good!(好极了!)

● Sedap sehingga menjilat jari! (好吃到吮手指!)

● It's Finger Licking Good!(好到吮手指!)

● Life Tastes Better with KFC(与KFC同在 人生更美满)

● Crunchy Outside Spicy Inside(外表脆 内表香)

汉堡店广告标语英文 第8篇

1, super cow energy, super cow performance!

McDonald 's: “You should take a day off.

3, super special tender tender juicy plate burning fragrant large pieces of chicken refreshing lettuce secret sauce sesame bread soft long type of special plate chicken chicken Fort

4, ”try to laugh often McDonald's.“

5, i'mlovin'it (I like it)

Pa giant no, you deserve!

Love 糬 article, love flail pulp, M remember to change life!

Enjoy the oil, M remember Yin Yue ice cream!

Spicy Chicken, M chicken fighting chicken!
